Wednesday, October 17, 2007

POOH Monia

When you to a Doctor one day and they tell you that you have a viral infection and to tough it out. Then you can't sleep because your lungs hurt and catching your breath is tough so you go back to that same doctor and they run an x ray and pronounce that "You have pnemonia and you should miss the first 10 days of the tour".

"So Doc, did you miss the first 10 days of your through examination 101 class?"

Because this FLEMBASED monster was in my lungs 4 days earlier during my first appointment and we would be will into 5 days of the 10 day treatment by now. So the only thing that is being "missed" around here is a correct diagnoses.

But what is done is done and "what" can I do with this? We.... I have instructed to avoid all strenuious activity".

I thought, " it a good thing I'm not a drummer in a band going on a 20 city tour!"

So what I can do is hit the road with the band, catch my breathe and avoid doctors.