Saturday, October 13, 2007

On our feet, on our backs and on a long distance run.


All is moving forward in preparations for the Squeaky Wheel Tour. Dana Woods, Clementine vocalist and bass player has been working 10-12 hour days on her feet cutting hair. She has also been in charge of organizing artwork and merch. Jeffrey Wayne, Clementine drummer, has been on his back with a high fever he is determined to kick by Monday. Even though he is under the weather he finds moments where he can email radio to let them know we are coming and schedule interviews. Prior to being on his back he was contacting radio and working on editing video and mixing music for the tour. Gary Floyd, Clementine vocalist and piano player, has been working 3 jobs, organizing the finale with his friend Denise in Dallas and raising funds. Joe has been running around looking for cases for our instruments, selling tickets and various errands. Carey Colvin our webgoddess has not been feeling well herself and yet she is doing her best to be on top of getting the events up on the website along with the missing that coordinate with the events. She also has to add anything new that we have to add on a daily basis. It is a big job. Keri Dattilo is working 2 jobs and fitting in volunteering for us in between. She has the task of matching up local missing people with events and organizing an event for us in Madison, IN. Rocia and Celia are over the top busy with their regular jobs and families and they have put a data base together so we can access contact information at a moments notice. Our new friend and film maker Neal helped us with bus artwork design and a new GINA for Missing Persons FOUNDation Logo. He showed up just at the right time and the right place. I think he is an angel. Not sure if he is a real person. I have not tried to pinch him yet. Annie, has been emailing artists and individuals to get them involved in the states and countries where we don't have events on the books yet. Tammy, has been coordinating information back and forth to artists and gathering information from the families of the misisng...oh and fundraising, working her full time job and and and...Peter Finlayson created artwork for our Giveaway DVD. Andrew created artwork for the Clementine CD and the FINDing Gina Logo. Gigi and John Maidlow are helping to organize our kick off event in OC and overall helping to manage the bands operations. Artists from all over the country are earmarking their gigs and working press for their events to gain more attn for the missing. Families of the missing are coordinating with the events and coordinating press whenever possible. Vicki and Tom Kelly of the Tommy Foundation, Patti Bishop of In Hope, Kelly Jolkowski of Project Jason, Monica Caison of the Cue Center, Abby Potash of Team Hope, Darlene Huntsman of Maryland Taskforce for the Missing and Unidentified, Unity Church of Denver, John and Gary Croshaw, Go Girls Music, SongsAlive, 99 Years, Corrine of Al Yad, Kris Cropin of Struzzin Back Stage and Paul of Sports Talk Network are all helping to organize local events. Artists like Stan Dewitt, Jim Anderson, Peter Brandon, Clementine, Molly Zenobia, Chris Valenti, Micheal Finnerty and Tim Moyer are all working to sell tickets to create an amazing kick off event in OC. Also, to the media for seeing the story and putting it out there to help extend our reach to the public. There are so many people helping to make this possible. I could go on typing for days to give everyone credit.

There is so much that goes into this. I sometimes get so caught up in the details and the stress of that that I have to step back to focus and remember what the goal here educate the public about missing people who have no story and in so doing bring one home...

It is obvious that I cannot do this alone. It is obvious that it takes all of us working together to make this all happen. Instead of cheers all around...I like to say Blessings...all around to all those above mentioned and those working behind the scenes that I may have forgotten or that I may not know about.

It's cold and rainy in Southern California and I think I will go take a nap to ready myself for the task at hand.

When something happens in your life good or bad, easy or difficult...don't ask why...ask what can I do? Asking what gives the bad and difficult things meaning and immediataly puts you on a path to taking advantage of your pain. Asking what good and easy makes you remember to be grateful and elevates the goodness and opens your mind and heart to accept more good into your life.

When in doubt...ask WHAT CAN I DO?
